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Income Protection Insurance

Personal Sickness and Accident Insurance


If you experience an accident or illness that prevents you from earning an income, Personal Sickness and Accident insurance can provide you with a weekly benefit to offset your lost income.


This type of insurance is particularly important if you are a sole-trader or contractor and not covered by Workers Compensation insurance


What can it cover?


Personal Sickness and Accident Insurance can provide the following protection;


  • Loss of income as a result an injury  

  • Loss of income as a result of an illness  

  • Capital Benefit following accidental death

  • Cover for Business expenses  


Benefit periods of one, two and in some cases, three years can be chosen. Payment of weekly benefits under the policy cease once the end of your nominated benefit period is reached.


What usually isn't covered?


Generally there is a waiting period before benefits are paid. This can range from seven, fourteen or twenty-eight days and is selected when you commence the policy. Policies generally won't include cover for an injury or illness that is the result of: 


  • pre-existing conditions 

  • Pregnancy and childbirth  

  • An act which is intentional, criminal or caused by you. 

  • alcohol or drugs 

  • professional sports 

  • Motor sports 


Don’t wait until it’s too late – contact Think Insurance Solutions today. We can explain how the cover works, and help you decide the right level of protection for your individual needs.

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Important Information

Think Insurance Solutions Pty Ltd trading as Think Insurance Solutions ABN 11 626 714 225 is an authorised representative of Resilium Insurance Broking Pty Ltd ABN 92 169 975 973, AFS Licence No. 460382  The information on this website does not take into account the objectives, financial situation or needs of any person. Before making a decision, you should consider whether it is appropriate in light of your particular objectives, financial situation or needs.

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